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Bylaws & Affiliations 章程 >

社團法人台北市國際婦女協會章程 Constitution and Bylaws of the Taipei International Women’s Club

第一次修訂日期:民國92年4月15日 First revision amended and approved on April 15, 2003

第二次修訂日期:民國98年5月26日 Second revision amended and approved on May 26, 2009

第三次修訂日期:民國103年9月16日 Third revision amended and approved on September 9, 2014

第四次修訂日期:民國112年5月16日 Fourth revision amended and approved on May 16, 2023

第一章 總 則 Chapter I General Principle

第一條:本章程依據民法總則及人民團體法訂定之。 Article 1: This constitution shall be formulated in accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Code and the Civil Associations Act. 第二條:本會定名為「台北市國際婦女協會」。 Article 2: The name of the association shall be "Taipei International Women's Club" 第三條:本會以台北市行政區域為區域,會址設於台北市。 Article 3: The Association shall have its registered address in Taipei City as the administrative area, and its office shall be located within Taipei City.

第二章 宗 旨 Chapter II Object

第四條:本會以團結台北市及周邊地區之婦女, 並以促進共同利益, 及提倡教育、慈善事業、公共福祉、道德公民、及美術等為宗旨。本會的核心價值為建立於正直誠信的基礎上之「友誼」、「教育」與「慈善」。
Article 4: The objective of this organization shall be to unite women from Taipei and the surrounding areas, promote common interests, and advocate for education, charitable endeavors, public welfare, moral citizenship, and the arts. The core values of this organization shall be based on the principles of "friendship," "education," and "philanthropy," rooted in honesty and integrity.



Article 5: The mission of this organization is: (1) To organize activities that foster mutual understanding and friendship among women from diverse cultural backgrounds. (2) To hold events aimed at promoting women’s education. (3) To organize activities that contribute to enhancing women’s health, improving their lifestyles, and raising awareness about environmental protection. (4) To arrange visits to charitable organizations and work on devising effective methods for conducting donation activities.

第三章 會計年度 Chapter III Fiscal Year

第六條:本會之會計年度為自每年的一月一日起至十二月三十一日止。 Article 6: The fiscal year of the organization shall be from the first day of January through the thirty-first day of December each year.

第四章 會員 Chapter IV Membership

Article 7: Any woman who is registered or lawfully residing in the Republic of China (Taiwan), supports the objectives and core values of this organization, is an adult and has the capacity to act, possesses basic English speaking and writing abilities, and is willing to contribute her time and energy to support the club's objectives, may apply to become a member of this organization by completing an application form, obtaining the approval of the Board of Directors, and paying the membership fee.

(一) 褫奪公權或通緝中者。
(二) 禁治產者。
(三) 吸用鴉片或其他毒品者。
(四) 有不正當職業者。
(五) 在誠信正直上有瑕疵者。
(六) 刻意散播不實消息, 或行為舉止破壞本會之核心價值及名聲者。
(七) 經理事會決議不再接受其繼續為本會會員者。
Article 8: The following individuals shall not be eligible for membership in the Association:
(1) Those deprived of public rights or wanted by law enforcement authorities.
(2) Individuals under guardianship.
(3) Those who use opium or are addicted to other drugs.
(4) Individuals engaged in improper occupations.
(5) Those with a record of dishonesty and lack of integrity.
(6) Individuals who intentionally spread false information or engage in misconduct that undermines the core values and reputation of the Association.
(7) Those who were denied membership for the next term by the resolution of board of directors meeting.

(一) 有選舉權、被選舉權、表決權、罷免權。
(二) 參加本會的各項活動及課程及享用本會福利設施。
(三) 本會會員得以書面申請列席本會理事會以陳述意見、請求及建議,但陳述之後必須離席,不得繼續列席理事會。
(四) 本會會員得向會長(理事長)以書面進行建議,會長則應將該建議提交理事會處理。
(五) 本會會員得代表本會參加位於美國的『婦女社團總聯合會(General Federation of Women’s Club), 簡稱GFWC』的年度大會,有意代表參加者應先向理事會報備。所有出席費用必須由該會員自行負擔。 Article 9: The membership benefits of the association shall include the following:
(1) The right to vote, be elected, and participate in recall proceedings.
(2) Participation in various activities and lectures organized by the Association and access to welfare facilities provided by the Association.
(3) Members of the association may apply in writing to attend a board meeting to express their opinions, present requests, and offer suggestions. However, they must leave the meeting after their statement has been delivered and cannot continue to attend the board meeting.
(4) Members of the association may submit written suggestions to the president (chairperson), and the president shall present these proposals to the board of directors for consideration.
(5) Members of the association may represent the association for attending the annual Convention of the "General Federation of Women's Club" (GFWC) in the United States at their own expense. However, they should inform the board of directors prior to registering for the Annual Convention.

(一) 出席本會之會員大會以及月會。
(二) 遵守本會章程。
(三) 執行本會決議。
(四) 積極地支持及參與本會各項活動。
Article 10: The obligations of members of the association shall include the following:
(1) To attend monthly meetings and the annual general meeting of the Association.
(2) To abide by the constitution of the association.
(3) To adhere to and implement the resolutions of the Association.
(4) To actively support and participate in various activities of the Association.

(一) 本會及其會員應避免以本會之名義參與涉及個人財務損益,或可能被解讀為政治性之活動,不拘其採用之其形式為何。
(二) 本會之會徽僅限供本會現任理事印製官方名片,以及製作官方推廣用途之物件。一般會員不得將本會之會徽印製於其私人名片上,或放置本會之會徽於其本人業務的網站上,亦不得展示於其私人之活動來影射本會為其背書。
(三) 在本會的月會及各項活動上所拍攝的照片均受本會著作權的保護,禁止使用於任何商業用途。
(四) 違反上述限制行為規定者,將由理事會立即暫停其會員資格並拒絕其繼續為下一屆之會員,並提請會員大會追認。
Article 11: Members of the association shall be restricted from engaging in the following behaviors:
(1) Members of the Association must refrain from participating in or using the name of the Association in any activities that may be interpreted as political or for personal financial gain or loss, in any form.
(2) The use of the association logo is strictly limited to board members for their TIWC business cards and for materials produced by the association for official purposes. Members shall not print the association logo on their private business card(s) or add it to their business websites, corporate merchandise, or display it at private events to imply endorsement from the association.
(3) The photos taken at the regular meetings and various activities of the Association are protected by the copyright of the Association, and any commercial use is prohibited.
(4) Anyone who violates the above-mentioned regulations will be immediately suspended from participating in the association's activities by the Board of Directors and denied membership for the next term, subject to appeal for recognition at the Annual General Meeting.

Article 12: (Blank) (Note): The content of the original article overlaps with the content of the third paragraph of Article 17, so it is deleted.

(一) 會員應按當年理事會決定之會費繳納必要之會費。年會費繳納後無論任何情況均不予退還。此會費包含本會參加國際性組織『婦女社團總聯合會(General Federation of Women’s Club), 簡稱GFWC』之團體年會費。
(二) 會員每年應於本會會計年度之第一天起繳納會費。會員繳納會費之後,方得視為有效會員並享有本會各項權益。
(三) 舊會員新加入或新會員得於年度中任何時間申請加入,經理事會核可後,繳納會費,成為該年度之會員。
Article 13: The membership fees of the Association shall be stipulated as follows:
(1) Members shall pay the necessary annual membership fee according to the amount decided by the board of directors for that year. Once the annual membership fee is paid, it will not be refunded under any circumstances. This annual membership fee includes the annual group membership fee for the association's affiliation with the "General Federation of Women's Club (GFWC)."
(2) Members shall pay the membership fee from the first day of the Association's accounting year each year. Only after the member pays the membership fee can she be regarded as an official member and enjoy all the rights and benefits of the association.
(3) Reinstated members and new members can apply for membership at any time during the year. After approval by the board of directors, they shall pay the membership fees and become members for that year.

Article 14: A member of the Association may withdraw from membership by submitting a written notice of withdrawal or by not paying the membership fee.

第五章 組織、職權及選舉 Chapter V Organization, Officers, and Election

第十五條:本會設理事九人,組織理事會,監事三人組織監事會,其職務如下:會長(理事長)一人,第一副會長一人,第二副會長一人,秘書一人,司庫一人,社會服務組主任一人,募款組主任一人,會員組主任一人,招待組主任一人。 Article 15: The Association shall have nine directors, collectively forming the Board of Directors, and three supervisors, forming the Board of Supervisors, whose posts are as follows: One President (Chairperson), One First Vice President, One Second Vice President, One Secretary, One Treasurer, One Social Service Chair, One Ways & Means Chair, One Membership Chair and One Hospitality Chair.
(一) 由五人組成,其中須含一位前會長,由現任會長提名,經理事會在每年的一月一日前通過,並於其後的月會中宣佈。
(二) 提名委員會應就每一職位提名一人或不多於兩名候選人,並於四月份月會兩星期前刊出其提名報告。
(三) 提名委員會應在四月份例會上報告提名名單。
(四) 在四月份的月會上可開放給會員提名,但在提名前應交付會長一份被提名者之同意書。 (五) 提名名單在四月份月會上報告給會員之前,提名委員會的所有討論內容均不得對外公開。 Article 16: The Nomination Committee of the Association shall operate according to the following provisions:
(1) The Nomination Committee shall consist of five members, including a former president, nominated by the current president, and their appointments shall be approved by the Board of Directors before January 1st of each year. The names of the committee members shall be announced at the subsequent monthly meeting.
(2) The Nominating Committee shall nominate one or no more than two candidates for each post and shall publish the nomination name list report two weeks prior to the monthly meeting in April.
(3) The Nominating Committee shall present the list of nominations at the April monthly meeting.
(4) Members may be open for nomination from the floor at the April monthly meeting, provided that a letter of consent from the nominee has been submitted to the President before the nomination. (5) All discussions of the Nomination Committee shall remain confidential until the nomination list is reported to members at the April monthly meeting.

(一) 本會理監事的選舉均由會員在年度會員大會中以選票用無記名連計法選任之。
(二) 本會理監事會選舉用的選票上的團體圖記以及監事印章得以印刷的方式呈現。
(三) 本會會員因故不能出席會員大會投票時,得以書面委託本會之其他有效會員代理投票,但委託者與受託者以一人為限。
(四) 如因天災、事變或其他不可抗力情事而無法召開實體會議時,得以視訊會議或其他經中央主管機關公告之方式為之。簽到及表決方式則配合電子化設備功能辦理。但涉及選舉、補選、罷免事項, 以實體集會方式辦理。

Article 17: The meeting form of board meetings and annual general meeting and the rules of the election of directors and supervisors shall be as follows:
(1) The election of the directors and supervisors of the association shall be conducted by the members during the annual general meeting through a secret ballot.
(2) The organization chop of the association and the chop of the supervisor on the ballots may be shown in the form of printing.
(3) If a member of the association is unable to attend the general meeting and vote for any reason, she may entrust another member of the association in writing to vote on her behalf. However, one member can only serve as a proxy holder for one absent member.
(4) In the event that a physical meeting cannot be held due to natural disasters, incidents, or other force majeure events, a video conference or other methods announced by the competent central authority may be used. Attendance and voting shall be carried out using electronic devices. However, matters related to elections, by-elections, or recalls shall be conducted in physical gatherings.

第十八條:本會理監事任期為一年,或直至其繼任者被選出為止,而其任期自年度會員大會後下個月的第一日開始。連選得連任,但理事長連任以一次為限。 Article 18: The term of office for Directors and Supervisors of the Association shall be one year, or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall commence on the first day of the following month after the Annual General Meeting. They may be reappointed if they are elected again; however, the president (chairperson) of the board of directors may only be reappointed once.

(一) 會長出缺時,由第一副會長繼任至該任期結束時為止。
(二) 會長以外的任何理監事出缺時,由候補理監事依得票數較高者依序遞補,至該任期結束時為止。
Article 19: When there is a vacancy for the board of directors and supervisors of the association, the regulations are as follows:
(1) When the president becomes vacant, the first vice president will succeed until the end of the term.
(2) When there is a vacancy for any director and supervisor other than the president (chairperson), the alternate director and supervisor with the highest number of votes shall succeed in order until the end of the term.

第六章 會議 Chapter VI Meetings

Article 20: Except for the recess during June, July, and August each year, the monthly Meetings of the Association shall be held in English on the third Tuesday of each month, or as determined by the Board of Directors. The monthly meeting in May shall be recognized as the annual general meeting.

Article 21: After the Association has been registered as a legal person, the Temporary General Meeting may be convened at the request of more than one-tenth of its official membership.

(一) 會員之除名。
(二) 理事、監事之罷免。
(三) 財產之處分。
(四) 其他與會員權利義務有關之重大事項。
(五) 有關章程之修改及本會之解散,請參看第三十五條。
Article 22: A quorum shall be reached when more than one half of the members are present at any monthly meeting, including the annual monthly meeting in May. The resolutions of the monthly meeting shall be implemented by the presence more than one half of the members and the consent of more than one half of the members present. However, resolutions on the following matters shall require the agreement of more than two-thirds of the number present:
(1) Removal from membership.
(2) Removal of directors and supervisors.
(3) Disposal of property.
(4) Other major matters related to the rights and obligations of members.
(5) For amendments to the Constitution and the dissolution of the Association, please refer to Article 35.

第七章 理、監事會 Chapter VII The Board of Directors and Supervisors

Article 23: The Board of Directors shall be composed of all directors. The Supervisory Board consists of supervisors. The Board of Directors shall oversee the affairs of the Association between the monthly meetings, decide on the time and place of the meetings, and make various recommendations to the Association. The board shall meet once a month, except July each year. The date of the meeting shall be designated by the President. The Supervisory Board meets every three months.

Article 24: Attendance of more than one half of the directors shall constitute a quorum at the board of directors meeting and the president shall be the chairperson of the meeting. A resolution of the meeting of the board of directors needs the consent of more than one half of the attendees. In case of a tie, the president is the tie breaker.

Article 25: The temporary meetings of the board of directors can be convened by the president or by the request in writing of three directors. The directors or supervisors shall personally attend the meetings of board of directors or board of supervisors and may not entrust others to represent them. Absence without due reason for two (2) consecutive times will be regarded as resigning, and the vacancy will be filled by the alternate directors or alternate supervisors in sequence.

Article 26: Any income and proceeds from any activities of the Association shall be handed over to the Treasurer for recordkeeping at the next Board meeting, along with a detailed list of items and original receipts.

(一) 執行會員大會決議案。
(二) 召集會員大會。
(三) 執行法令及本章程所規定的任務。
(四) 審定會員資格。
(五) 選舉或罷免常務理事、理事長。
(六) 議決理事、常務理事或理事長之辭職。
(七) 聘免工作人員。
(八) 擬定年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
Article 27: The roles and rights of the Board of directors shall be as follows:
(1) To implement the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting.
(2) To convene the General Meetings.
(3) To carry out the tasks stipulated by the Law and Constitution and Bylaws of the organization.
(4) To approve membership.
(5) To elect or dismiss standing directors and president.
(6) To resolve the resignation of the director, standing directors or president.
(7) Appointment and removal of staff.
(8) To draw up annual work plans, reports, budgets, and final accounts.

Article 28: The directors and supervisors of the Association shall hold their positions without any monetary remuneration.

第八章 理事職掌 Chapter VIII Directors' Duties

第二十九條:本會理事除執行最近一期的Robert’s Rules of Order 所列舉的各項職責之外,尚應盡下列職責:
Article 29: Officers duties The directors shall perform the duties as prescribed below in addition to those listed in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

(一) 在所有月會、會員大會及理事會會議擔任主席。
(二) 對外代表本會。
(三) 除提名委員會之外,列席所有本會之委員會。
(四) 在本會預算內或本會理事會所決議的開銷的支票上,會同本會司庫簽名,或以其個人之信用卡付款,並於收到該項支出之信用卡帳單時,持費用憑證,依照請款手續向本會申請償還。
(五) 負責台北市國際婦女協會的印信及圖章。
(六) 核可所有以本會名義發出之信函。
(七) 列席「台北國際婦女協會教育基金會」的董事會。(As ex-officio)
(八) 得指定一位議事規則指導(parliamentarian)列席每一次的理事會。 (九) 指定TIWC 之友基金委員會成員並擔任該委員會會議主席。
(十) 指定各語言茶會以及其他主題委員會的主席
(十一) 指定本會年度期刊(Companion)委員會成員,並擔任該委員會主席。確保期刊的編輯與印刷順利運作且費用合乎相關的預算編列。
(十二) 確保本會各項運作合乎中華民國政府之法律及規定,包含與台北市政府社會局公函往來等工作。
(十三) 指定有經驗的理事或會員或專業人士辦理本會在台北地方法院變更登記事項。

The President of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To preside at all monthly meetings, annual general meeting and meetings of the Board of Directors.
(2) To serve as the official representative of the Association.
(3) To attend meetings of all committees of the association, except the nominating committee meeting.
(4) To co-sign, along with the treasurer of the association, on checks for expenditures within the budget of the Association or as decided by the Board of Directors. Alternatively, the President may pay with her personal credit card for Association expenses and submit expense vouchers when receiving the credit card statement, following the reimbursement procedures to request reimbursement from the Association.
(5) To be responsible for all seals and official chops of the Taipei International Women's Club.
(6) To approve all letters issued in the name of the Association.
(7) To attend the meetings of the board of directors of the "TIWC Educational Foundation" as ex-officio.
(8) May appoint a parliamentarian to attend each session of the board meeting.
(9) To designate members of the Friends of TIWC Funds Committee and act as the chairperson of the committee meeting.
(10) To designate the chairpersons of each language tea party and other theme committees.
(11) To designate committee members for the annual companion magazine and act as the chairperson of the committee, ensuring the smooth production of the magazine and that costs are within the relevant budget.
(12) To ensure that all operations of the association comply with the laws and regulations of the government of the Republic of China, including official correspondence with the Social Affairs Bureau of the Taipei City Government.
(13) To designate experienced directors or members or a professional to handle registration updates of the Association in the Taipei District Court.

(一) 為各項課程選擇講師及整合聯繫各課程、文化性及社交團體。
(二) 整合協調各種語言的茶會及其他主題活動。
(三) 在會長出缺時,代理會長召開會員大會,並擔任大會臨時主席(Pro tem)。
(四) 列席「台北國際婦女協會教育基金會」之董事會。(As ex-officio)
The First Vice President of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To select lecturers for various courses and coordinate all classes, social, and cultural groups.
(2) To integrate and coordinate language tea parties and other themed activities.
(3) In the absence of the president, act as the president and preside over general meetings, assuming the role of temporary president of the meeting (Pro tem).
(4) To attend the board of directors of the "TIWC Educational Foundation" as ex-officio.

(一) 計畫及執行所有月會及會員大會的所有節目。
(二) 為月會及會員大會的地點及所需設備作安排。
(三) 在會長及第一副會長均出缺時,召開會員大會,並擔任大會臨時主席。(pro tem)
The Second Vice President of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To plan and execute all programs for all monthly meetings and the annual general meeting.
(2) To make venue arrangements and arrange the required equipment for smooth meetings during monthly meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
(3) In the absence of both the president and the first vice-president, convene the annual general meeting and serve as the temporary chairperson of the Annual General Meeting (pro tem).

(一) 為會員大會、月會及理事會作紀錄。
(二) 為所有委員會的報告歸檔。
(三) 在有需求時,準備好會議紀錄及報告紀錄等。
(四) 在會長的指示下,作通常的行政工作。
(五) 通知各理事以召開理事會。
(六) 保管及分發文具等用品,含信封及信紙。
(七) 取得所有會員大會、月會、茶會或本會其他活動的資訊與照片,更新本會網站上的訊息,以及/或發布消息給適當的報社、雜誌、電台等。
(八) 規範及管理本會相關的社群媒體,例如本會之各個LINE群組等。

The Secretary of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To keep minutes for the monthly meetings, annual general meeting, and board meetings.
(2) To file all committee reports. (3) When necessary, to prepare meeting minutes and report records, etc.
(4) Under the direction of the president, to handle the usual administrative work.
(5) To notify the directors for convening board meetings.
(6) To keep and distribute stationery and other supplies, including envelopes and letter paper.
(7) To obtain information and photos of all annual general meetings, monthly meetings, tea parties, or other activities of the Association, update the information on the Association's website, and/or release information to appropriate newspapers, magazines, radio stations, etc.
(8) To regulate, update, and manage the relevant social media platforms of the Association, such as LINE groups of the Association.

(一) 在理事會核可的支付金額下收取及支付各種款項。支付方式可以現金或會同本會會長簽名之支票,或經會長同意以其個人之信用卡付款,並於收到該項支出之信用卡帳單時,持費用憑證,依照請款手續向本會申請償還。
(二) 每月5日之前提出上個月的月會、語言茶會及主題委員會的各項費用收支明細及相關單據給本會指定的記帳士,以便及時完成財務報表,並在下一次月會時報告。
(三) 在每年的年度會員大會選舉後兩星期內,收集各新任理事提出的預算,整合成總預算,提交六月份新任理事會討論及核可。
(四) 在每年的年度會員大會後一星期內,提出財務報表供指定的專業查帳人員查帳,以及當理事會提出要求時提出財務報表。
(五) 負責與本會指定的記帳士或會計師配合, 處理本會年度報稅事宜。
(六) 在預期有大筆捐款收入或現金支出時,事先與本會指定之記帳士或會計師諮詢。
(七) 妥善保管本會支票簿及銀行存款簿。按照收入及支出的性質恰當的處理本會在銀行的三個帳戶: 1) TIWC之友基金 2) 林坤地捐款基金 3) TIWC一般帳戶。每三個月將上述三個帳戶的明細影印一份給本會指定之記帳士或會計師。
The Treasurer of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To receive and disburse various payments within the amount approved by the Board of Directors. Payments can be made in cash or by checks co-signed by both the president and treasurer of the association. Alternatively, with the president's approval, payments can be made with the treasurer's personal credit card. In such cases, the treasurer shall submit expense vouchers when receiving the credit card statement for the expenditure and request reimbursement from the Association following the club's reimbursement procedures.
(2) Before the 5th of each month, the treasurer shall submit the income and expenditure details and related documents for the monthly meeting, language tea party, and theme committee of the previous month to the accountant designated by the association. This is to ensure timely completion of the financial statement and to report it at the next monthly meeting.
(3) Within two weeks after the election at the annual general meeting, the treasurer shall collect the budgets proposed by each newly appointed director, consolidate them into a general budget, and submit it to the new board of directors in June for discussion and approval.
(4) Within one week after the annual general meeting, the treasurer shall submit financial statements for audit to designated professional auditors and provide financial statements as required by the board of directors.
(5) The treasurer shall be responsible for cooperating with the bookkeeper or accountant designated by the association to file the annual income tax return.
(6) The treasurer shall consult with the bookkeeper or accountant designated by the Association in advance when significant donation income or cash expenditure is expected.
(7) The treasurer shall properly keep the checkbook and bank deposit books of the Association. The treasurer shall handle the three accounts of the Association in the bank according to the nature of income and expenditure, i.e., 1) Friends of TIWC Fund, 2) Lin Kun-Ti Jen Chi Fund, and 3) TIWC General Account. Every three months, the treasurer shall make a photocopy of the details of the above three accounts and provide it to the bookkeeper or accountant designated by the Association.

(一) 收集大台北地區有急需救助的各機構的資訊,以便本會能對其有所幫助。
(二) 負責選擇本會社會服務的對象。
(三) 擬定年度社會服務的各項計畫及相關費用預算,向本會理事會提出建議。
(四) 擔任本會TIWC之友基金的委員。
The Social Services Chair of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To collect information on institutions in the greater Taipei area that are in urgent need of assistance, so that the organization can provide aid.
(2) To be responsible for selecting the beneficiaries of the association's social services.
(3) To draw up annual plans for social services and propose relevant budget suggestions to the board of directors. (4) To serve as a committee member of the Friends of TIWC Fund.

(一) 提出募款計畫供理事會核可,募款金額須等於或多於本會計年度所需之費用。
(二) 負責執行所提出的募款計畫。
The Ways & Means Chair of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To propose fundraising plans for approval by the board of directors. The fundraising amount should be equal to or greater than the expenses required for the current fiscal year of the Association.
(2) To be responsible for implementing the proposed fundraising plans.

(一) 受理會員入會申請及收取年會費。
(二) 維護最新的會員資料。
(三) 印製會員名冊,在十一月份月會時分發給會員。
(四) 在必要時為會員大會及月會接受訂位及售票。
(五) 執行理事會對新會員申請入會,或舊會員重新入會,或對暫停某會員之會員資格或其他與會員資格相關的決議的後續處理事項。
The Membership Chair of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) To process membership applications and collect annual membership fees.
(2) To maintain up-to-date membership records.
(3) To print and distribute the membership roster, distributing it to members during the monthly meeting in November.
(4) When necessary, to handle reservations and ticket sales for the annual general meeting and monthly meetings.
(5) To carry out the follow-up procedures regarding the resolutions of board meeting related to new member applications, reinstated members, suspension of a member's membership, or other matters related to membership qualifications.

(一) 在月會及會員大會開會之前,整理要參加會員及來賓名單。來賓需由會員邀請。
(二) 在月會及會員大會中對資深會員及貴賓的座位做適當的安排。
(三) 在所有的會議及活動中協助會員報到及與來賓互相認識。
(四) 安排活動以及準備相關資料,協助新加入的會員。
(五) 給正在康復或需要特別關注的會員適當的慰問。

The Hospitality Chair of the Association shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
(1) Before each monthly meeting and annual general meeting, compile a list of attendees, including members and invited guests. Guests must be invited by members.
(2) Make appropriate seating arrangements for senior members and VIPs during monthly meetings and the annual general meeting.
(3) Assist members in registration and getting to know each other during all meetings and activities.
(4) Coordinate and prepare materials for events and provide assistance to new members.
(5) Extend appropriate condolences to members who are recovering or in need of special attention.

第九章 委員會及各語言茶會 Chapter IX Committee and International Tea Languages Groups

第三十條: 本會之下列理事得指定一委員會來幫助她完成任務:第一副會長、第二副會長、社會服務組主任、募款組主任、會員組主任、招待組主任。
Article 30: The following directors of the Association may designate a committee to assist them in completing their tasks: First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Social Service Chairperson, Ways and Means Chairperson, Membership Chairperson, Hospitality Chairperson.

(一) 本會TIWC之友基金係由原Lily Chow Scholarship fund及趙麗蓮博士教育基金擴大與合併而來。
(二) TIWC之友基金的目的是:
甲、 為了增進本會會員的利益及提升本會會員之英文及其他方面之能力。
乙、 為了本會辦公室之維持。
(三) 本基金之委員會
甲、 本委員會設七位委員,其中需包含本會會長及社會服務組主任。
乙、 其餘五位委員由會長指定,但公佈前須經本會理事會同意。
丙、 本會會長應為本委員會之會議召集人及主席。
丁、 本委員會委員任期為一年,期間與本會理事相同。 戊、 下一任的委員會成員須至少有三位委員留任,以避免執行上的斷層。

Article 31: Friends of TIWC Fund
(1) The Friends of TIWC Fund is established as the expansion and consolidation of the original Lily Chow Scholarship Fund and the Dr. Lilian Chao Education Fund.
(2) The objectives of the Friends of TIWC Fund are as follows:
a. To enhance the benefits of TIWC members and promote their abilities in English and other fields.
b. To support the maintenance of the TIWC office.
(3) Committee Members:
a. The Friends of TIWC Fund Committee shall consist of seven members, including the President of TIWC and the Social Service Chairperson.
b. The remaining five committee members shall be appointed by the President of TIWC and approved by the executive board before being announced.
c. The TIWC President shall convene and preside over the meetings of this committee.
d. The term of the Friends of TIWC Fund Committee Members shall be one year, coinciding with the term of the TIWC officers.
e. At least three of the committee members should be re-appointed for the next term to ensure continuity and effectiveness in the committee's operations.

Article 32: Chairpersons of International Language Tea activities and other theme committees shall be appointed by the President. All activities must receive prior approval from the Board of Directors, and the budget for each activity should be submitted to the Treasurer of TIWC before the Annual General Meeting in May. A detailed income and expenditure report should be attached to the budget submission.

第十章 議事規範 Chapter X Parliamentary Authority

第三十三條:本會在不牴觸中華民國的法律以及本會章程規定之下,在適用範圍內,依最新版的Robert’s Rules of Order為議事規範。
Article 33: Within the scope of applicability and not conflicting with the laws of the Republic of China and the provisions of this organization's constitution, the latest edition of "Robert’s Rules of Order" shall govern the parliamentary procedures of this organization.

第十一章 財產之處分 Chapter XI: Dissolution & Distribution of Assets

Article 34: This organization may be dissolved with the agreement of more than two-thirds of the general membership. In the event of dissolution of the organization, the remaining properties shall be disposed of in accordance with the law. They shall not be distributed to any individuals or private companies and shall be contributed to a local self-governing organization, or any non-profit organizations designated by the government authorities.

第十二章 章程修改 Chapter XII: Amendments to This Constitution and Bylaws

Article 35: The constitution and bylaws may be amended at any general meeting, provided that the motion for such amendment has previously been approved by the executive board. A more than three-fourths agreement of the members present at the General Meeting or a more than two-thirds agreement of the general membership in writing is required for the amendment to be adopted. After amendment, the contents of this constitution and bylaws should not be inconsistent with the Laws of the Government of the Republic of China. The dissolution of the organization requires agreement of more than two thirds of the general membership.

第十三章 副則 Chapter XIII: Subsidiary Provisions

Article 36: If there are any matters not covered in the Constitution, the amendments shall be presented and approved during the Annual General Meeting and submit before being submitted for final approval to the Taipei Government.

Article 37: The Constitution shall be approved during an Annual General Meeting and subsequently submitted to the Taipei City Government for filing and implementation.


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Taipei 10045


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